Get an item named spray in your inventory and type /spray or use the spray item, and a spray settings menu will pop up. To remove a spray, either wait for 2 days or use item called spray_remover.
Spray features
- Works out of the box with ESX and QBCore, easily changeable to any framework
- Beautiful UI
- Both spray and spray remover are inventory items
- Awesome performance
- Can display up to 10 sprays at a time on screen (but unlimited map-wide)
- 9 preconfigured fonts
- Stays even after restart (configure how many days it stays there)
- Most of the source code included, small part is encrypted
- Looks great anywhere, during day or night. Check out the video for more details
- Unlimited colors with color picker
- Supports OneSync/OneSync Infinity
- Easily add images
- Can add fonts (but it's a bit more complicated :)
- Works out of the box with our Gang System with Turf Wars
- Bad words can be blacklisted
- Scaleable text/images when spraying