Police props V2

Mrs. BzZz
Standalone Props

List of props:

  • red and blue cone
  • red and blue animated cone
  • number 1 - 5
  • 3x sign (prepare to stop)
  • 1x sign (road closed)
  • 3x police barrier screening

File size: 4kB - 30kB (63 - 93kB textures)
Collisions: embedded | dynamic props
Bone: yes
Textures: embedded + external
Animation coords:
Images for inventory:
Mrs. BzZz

Mrs. BzZz

Creator of custom props, interiors and animations. We are currently not accepting any orders due to insufficient time capacity. Thanks for understanding 🙏 all 3D models are always standalone 99% of packages do not use the escrow system low poly models configs for ox_inventory are ready for food props all packages are ready for FiveM License: free props can be edited and included in your resources you are not allowed to include paid packages in your resources; you may modify them for your own use Purchase: the download link is sent to the email after the order is completed, not to the keymaster

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